Service Projects
Troop 62 conducts projects throughout the year to serve the community, including:
An annual, springtime trash cleanup of a section of Old Main Street in South Windsor
Flag placement at the graves of veterans at the First Church cemetery before every Veterans' Day
Flapjack fundraiser each fall to benefit the Christmas celebration of an underprivilieged family in South Windsor. This event raises hundreds of dollars each year, and is administered with the help of the town's social services department.
Clean-up and beautification of the grounds each Fall and Spring at St. Peter's Episcopal Church
The Troop's Eagle Scout candidates have performed dozens of projects in recent years to benefit the town, churches, and other community organizations. Rank-and-file scouts form the labor pool for this work.
Troop 62 scouts also perform various ad-hoc service projects, in part to fulfill requirements for rank advancement.
Troop 62 serves its community!
Recent service projects:
Relocating pews at St. Peter's Episcopal Church